Types Of People Who Can Benefit From Sedation Dentistry

Sedation dentistry, an option for patients who prefer to undergo a procedure that is less painful and stressful, is recommended to a lot of patients. It allows patients with different types of conditions and preferences to choose a much suitable and appropriate dental procedure. It helps lessen the dental phobia and anxiety of a patient, making this procedure efficient and beneficial for various types of individuals.

With its use of treatment to reduce pain as well as anxiety, sedation dentistry provides a less distressing procedure for individuals who have a history of major anxiety and phobia for dental procedures. But apart from these individuals, other types of people can also benefit from sedation dentistry.

Generally, anyone who prefers a more comfortable and convenient procedure can choose sedation dentistry. But here are the groups of people who need the significant benefits of sedation dentistry the most:

1. Patients who have dental anxiety

Sometimes the anxiety itself is far more distressing than the pain. People who are always nervous about the thought of dental procedures tend to totally avoid dental care. Sometimes, the necessary dental treatments and appointments are postponed due to one’s dental fears and anxiety.

As dental sedation procedures can offer more comfort and relaxation to patients, it is best for patients with dental anxiety and fears to choose dental sedation.

2. Patients who have dental phobia

People who developed dental phobia will definitely try everything to avoid the dentist. The dental procedures are too frightening, that the patient would rather withstand the severe pain than to go schedule an appointment.

Sedation dentistry can help patients who suffer dental phobia. With less stress and pain involved in the procedures, patients can experience ease and comfort throughout the treatment.

3. Patients who have special needs

Individual needs can greatly affect dental procedures. Sometimes, patients with special need (persons with Autism or Down syndrome) and mental conditions have difficulties in cooperating with the dentist. They tend to refuse to follow the instructions, or to stay put throughout the whole procedure.

Due to this, dentists find it difficult to work and do the treatment seamlessly. But with sedation dentistry, patients who have special needs can properly undergo the treatment through various methods such as conscious and unconscious sedation.

4. Patients with severe gag reflex.

Dental procedures require great precision and care throughout the process. But with patients who have very sensitive gag reflex, the procedure can be excruciating to both the patient, and the dentist. Some procedures that require very precise and careful movements can be impossible.

Patients who suffer from choking or being afraid of throwing-up at any moment can choose sedation dentistry.

5. Patients who have involuntary movements

Patients with physical conditions that affect movement control can choose sedation dentistry. Various medical conditions like Parkinson’s disease, Cerebral Palsy, and other central nervous system disorders can result to a very difficult procedure, or worse, injuries. But with the procedures in sedation dentistry, patients with these types of diseases can be provided sedation to relax the muscles and reduce involuntary movements, allowing the dentist to accurately complete the procedures without any risk of injury.

6. Patients who have tight schedules

Patients who have time constraints often have no time for dental procedures, and other complex treatments. Other necessary treatments require lengthy procedures, and a patient might not be able to sit through such a distressing and time-consuming scenario.

But through sedation dentistry, one can undergo a multiple complex procedures at once. The procedures would help lessen the pain and discomfort, and maximize the allotted time to complete necessary treatments.